Security Handbook

We were asked by the internal security team to prepare a handbook for new employees. The project sounded interesting so we got down to it with pleasure.We gathered requirements, set goals and started work. We knew that ahead of us there was a project with illustrations playing an important role. The work was iterative - we created many sketches, which were reviewed by stakeholders in the next step. It took a while, but today we would like to present you to the final effect of our work. Hope you will enjoy it!

Welcome to Objectivity

A new adventure has begun. Just step in. Thanks to the support from our Security Team, we are sure we will be safe and sound during that journey. Welcome to our world.

Your secure environment

On average, we spend more than ten years of our lives at work. That’s a lot! It is really important to make our work environment safe and comfortable. Make yourself at home!

Physical security

We are trying to keep our office cosy as a nest and safe as a medieval castle. Guests and private hardware are welcome, but everyone must remember to stay responsible and careful.

Classified information

As a reliable company, we keep our deadlines, promises and secrets. In order to do so, we have a special tool. Our security levels enable us to fulfill this obligation.

Secure by design

As a rule of thumb, we do everything to be secure from the very beginning. We keep security rules in mind, and we make them part and parcel of our daily work.

Personal data protection

Our most valuable assets are people. We care about our employees as well as our clients - protection of their personal data is one of our top priorities. It doesn’t matter whether it is the entire database or a single CV.

Don’t feed the phish

Insidious sharks are everywhere. Phishing is still one of the most common and most efficient attack method. We try to remain vigilant in every phishy situation.

Printed Handbook

Illustrations _ Michał Szymański

Direction, DTP _ Tomek Czyżkowski

Client _ Objectivity

Year _ 2019